Can blockchain really last? How can it avoid becoming a slogan?


In fact, when blockchain was just born, there were many discussions between people about it and the Internet. Many people think that blockchain is like the early Internet. Due to immaturity and lack of landing, the current blockchain industry, full of deception and speculation, is enveloped by a frenzied atmosphere, which is not beneficial to the benign development of blockchain and merely only brings harm to the long-term development of blockchain.

    Still in the budding stage, it is too early to apply on the ground

The greatest significance of blockchain lies in the reshaping of the Internet industry and the redeployment of resources, but there is a premise that blockchain technology must be closely related to the current Internet industry. Only through deep involvement in the operation of the Internet industry can we find the point of integration with the Internet, thus promoting the optimization of the industry and maximizing the use of blockchain value.

The key to blockchain development lies in application, not just coin issuance. Many blockchain practitioners will continue to follow the development path of digital currency to issue coins, which in fact takes the development of blockchain technology away from the track of its original reasonable development.

As an underlying technology, the application of blockchain lies in how to use it to solve the pain points and problems that cannot be cracked by the current Internet technology, so as to further improve the operational efficiency of the industry and eliminate the user pain points in the process of industry operation.

In the current blockchain market, people only see blockchain as a tool, without thinking about how blockchain can be integrated with the internal elements of the industry. This obviously can not really play the role of blockchain, but will only treat blockchain as a form of Internet-like technology, which eventually makes the development of blockchain technology fall into the Internet loop.

Therefore, finding the combination of blockchain and existing industries, and finding ways and means for blockchain to crack the pain points and problems of existing industries is the key to decide whether blockchain can go long term.

    Return to the technology itself and dig the value of in-depth development

Whether blockchain technology is born in digital currency or other industries, we should confirm one thing. That is, blockchain is always a technology, and its essence is to optimize and transform the industry development logic constructed by the existing Internet technology through this technology, so as to make the industry development more benign.

Therefore, returning to the essence of technology is the key to the long-term development of blockchain.

Deeply develop blockchain technology and find the possibility of its more applications in external industries. Although the current blockchain technology has been applied in the fields of law, copyright protection, insurance, food traceability, etc., these applications are still based on the most basic blockchain technology. Therefore, it is the key to ensure that the blockchain technology can be used in the long run.

At the same time, through deep exploration of blockchain technology, we can also find opportunities to combine it with external industries, which can not only enhance the depth of blockchain technology, but also expand the breadth of its combination with external industries.

Since it is a technology, R&D must always accompany the whole process of its growth. From the current development of blockchain, it is obvious that it is not enough for us to solve the pain points and problems of the current industry development only with the help of its primary technology.

We must dig deep into the technology and realize the continuous promotion between it and the external industry through the continuous evolution of the technology itself, so that the technology is not just a concept, but can promote each other with the external industry and finally realize the empowerment of the technology for the external industry.

    Adhere to the principle of solid foundation is the remedy

Now there is an increasingly clear consensus that digital currency and blockchain must be completely isolated in order to achieve safer and faster development of blockchain technology. The significance of blockchain for reality has now been recognized globally, and from the government to the private sector are actively promoting the landing and application of blockchain. To develop the blockchain industry and solidify the foundation of blockchain product industry, accelerating the transformation and upgrading is the way to go.

Only by truly combining blockchain technology with other advanced technology technologies and constantly recognizing and grasping the essential mystery of the blockchain industry can we find a more powerful source of power for the development of the blockchain industry, so that the development of blockchain technology is not just a slogan and a concept, thus truly benefiting more people and more industries.