What is the relationship between cloud computing and cloud storage? The 3 major disadvantages of cloud computing explained!


    What is the relationship between cloud computing and cloud storage

Cloud computing is simply understood as the unified management and scheduling of a large number of network-connected computing resources, constituting a pool of computing resources to provide on-demand services to users. The network that provides the resources is called "cloud". This "cloud" service can be enjoyed at any time, but it is paid for.

What is cloud storage? Cloud storage is a new concept extended and developed from the concept of cloud computing. It refers to a system that provides data storage and business access functions to the outside world through a cluster application, grid technology or distributed file system, which brings together a large number of different types of storage devices in a network to work together through application software.

When the core of cloud computing system computing and processing is the storage and management of a large amount of data, a large number of storage devices need to be configured in the cloud computing system, then the cloud computing system transforms into a cloud storage system, so cloud storage is a cloud computing system with data storage and management as its core.

Just like the cloud-like WAN and Internet, cloud storage does not refer to a specific device, but to a collection of many storage devices and servers for users. When users use cloud storage, they are not using a particular storage device, but a data access service brought by the entire cloud storage system. So strictly speaking, cloud storage is not a storage, but a service.

From the perspective of the relationship between the two, the relationship between cloud storage and cloud computing is still well understood, cloud storage and cloud computing compared to cloud storage can be thought of as cloud storage configured with a large-capacity storage space of a cloud computing system.

     The 3 major disadvantages of cloud computing

❶ Occasional downtime

The nature of cloud computing makes it vulnerable to server downtime. During downtime, customers are forced to wait until connectivity is restored before they can access the service. Depending on the length of the downtime, this can cause serious damage to the business.

A 2020 Statista survey, for example, showed that 25 percent of respondents worldwide said their businesses lost an average of between $301,000 and $400,000 per hour in downtime. If you multiply this number by the number of downloads in a year, you can understand why downtown is a key issue for cloud computing.

❷ Limited flexibility and control

The way cloud computing operates takes away the ability of the business owner to manage and monitor the entire cloud infrastructure. This often results in the business having little control over its data. In addition, depending on the cloud service provider's management policies and end-user licensing agreements, customers may also be limited in how they can handle deployments. In most cases, when these policies are in effect, customers will have limited access to the devices, applications, and data that can be deployed on the cloud provider's servers.

❸ Vendor compatibility issues

In a competitive cloud computing environment, transitioning from one cloud provider to another has been a major annoyance in cloud computing. Although when subscribing to a cloud provider, organizations can be assured how seamless the migration to another cloud provider is. However, experience has shown that this is not always the case. There are compatibility issues. This is because certain applications that work properly on one cloud platform may not be compatible with another provider. This risk makes many people concerned about migrating resources to other cloud providers.