What does the server mean


Many people may not know what the server means, but it must be familiar to computer enthusiasts. Generally, it is difficult for us to see the real server, because the server is generally placed at the key of the computer room, and the idle people are generally not allowed to enter. So speaking of the server, many friends who have not contacted with it feel very strange. Here is a detailed introduction to what the server means.

What does server mean?

In fact, the appearance of the server is very similar to that of the host computer, but the server is the soul of the website and the necessary carrier to open the website. The website users without the server cannot browse. The server is like a stepping stone. Even if the ranking of the website in the search engine is so good that the website cannot be opened and users cannot browse, the website will have no user experience. The first priority is to open the website. For example, the websites we visit every day actually have data on the server, which is usually located in IDC data center machine rooms and telecom and other network buildings.

Server, also called server. The server is a high-performance computer in the network environment. It listens to the service requests submitted by other computers (clients) on the network and provides corresponding services. To this end, the server must have the ability to undertake and guarantee services. The server we mentioned here mainly refers to the Web server. We also call it a dedicated server. It is a server dedicated to website business applications. This server can provide document programs to the browser making requests. Web server is also a passive program. The server will respond only when it receives the request from the browser.

Because Web server is a passive program, different types of websites have different requirements for Web server. Enterprise websites and personal websites are generally display websites, so their requirements for server performance are generally not high. E-commerce websites and portal websites generally have a large number of users, and these large websites have a high demand for servers.

At present, there are two web server software most used by users: Microsoft's Information Server (iis) and Apache. Windows, Linux and Unix are common operating systems for web servers. Linux has the highest security among the three systems. It can support multiple hardware platforms at the same time. It is open source software with lower market price. Users can even download free code to build a Web server. The operation of the Web server is simpler and the performance is superior. At present, the utilization rate is very high, while Unix is relatively small!

The above is a brief introduction to what the server means. I hope you can understand the server through this article.