Is AI taking human jobs? Here are 5 ways we might be able to combat it

In recent months, bad news about AI replacing jobs has been coming almost daily. Last Thursday, BT unveiled its latest plan, announcing that it will replace 10,000 employees with AI technology.
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AI era, to recommend a few excellent artificial intelligence business tools

AI is providing unprecedented insights and helping to improve the efficiency of many business processes. Whether you are a freelancer working in a single-person business or responsible for multiple employees, there are many tools available to improve your operations.
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Samsung considers replacing Google search with Bing AI on devices

Just three months ago, Microsoft Bing was still dispensable and lacked presence in users' minds, but now it has made a strong comeback with the power of AI, directly challenging Google's dominant position in the industry.
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What is AI?

In fact, the term AI is not new to us. It is the key object of development in many fields, has penetrated into all aspects of our daily life, and the industries involved are numerous. Today, let's learn some knowledge about artificial intelligence.
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How to prove you're human in the AI jungle?

There is no denying that AI models like ChatGPT are becoming more and more powerful, but as their tentacles reach into all corners of human work, learning, and life, human existence and interests are being increasingly squeezed.
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Smart classrooms: artificial intelligence and the future of education

The world is now focused on the impact of generative AI tools on the knowledge and creative economy. Schools are the centers of knowledge and creative work, and are therefore likely to be the first places where the general public will see tangible changes.
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OpenAI develops new tool that attempts to explain the behavior of language models

Language models are artificial intelligence techniques that generate natural language based on a given text, and OpenAI's GPT family of language models is one of the most advanced representatives available today
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AI fraud is efficient and low cost, and the "three magic tricks" effectively prevent potential threats

With the development of AI technology, people have been gradually carrying out applications in various fields of AI. However, the development of AI has also given some people an opportunity to take advantage of it.
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6 Tips for Getting ChatGPT to Aid Brainstorming

Artificial intelligence promises to be a source of inspiration, and here are six tips to better feed off OpenAI's chatbots.
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Artificial intelligence: Hollywood writers' strike triggers

The situation quickly changed with the rapid advancement of AI technology, and a few months later, AI has become a key point in the strike negotiations conducted by the American Writers Union.
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