The difference between Bitcoin cash and Bitcoin


It is reported that at present, many people compare bitcoin cash and bitcoin. After all, although they understand that they are different virtual currencies, they still cannot break the relationship between them. As we all know, bitcoin cash is a hard fork of bitcoin. It can be said that there is no bitcoin, and bitcoin cash cannot occur in our view. But as for the differences between bitcoin cash and bitcoin, Many investors have been curious, but can not get an explanation. In that case, what is the difference between Bitcoin cash and Bitcoin?

The biggest difference between BTC and BCH is priority. According to the current structure, design scheme and road map of BTC (BTC), the most important position of BTC cell depends on maintaining its blockchain technology. As a public, unapproved, relatively highly anti verification Internet, it can be used by all people in the world, and fast and cheap expenditure is the primary and secondary priority.

On the other hand, the key to Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is to enable the Internet to make fast and cheap payments. BCH cell thinks that BCH will bear more people according to this feature, which will promote the blockchain technology of the Internet.

These two forces also want to play the role of the other force. The BTC cell expects BTC to make fast and cheap payments, but only if it does not harm BTC's blockchain technology. Similarly, the Bitcoin cash force also hopes that BCH can maintain the blockchain technology, but the importance of blockchain technology is relatively low relative to completing fast and cheap payments.

Apart from BTC, Ethereum and Bitcoin cash are undoubtedly the most widely discussed digital currencies. Whether Ethereum or Bitcoin cash, they are all the top ten virtual currencies in the digital currency market of Yangzhong. Therefore, there are many people who choose to invest in Bitcoin cash and Ethereum. Bitcoin cash has always been regarded as one of the most simple blockchain technologies.

The difference between them is that which attribute is the most important? People use BTC because they regard it as a quick and cheap payment method, or as a digital gold of blockchain technology? No one can say without doubt which one should be the first or which way is right. In fact, the battle between BTC and Bitcoin cash is not only a battle for large blockchain residential blocks, but also a battle for future development.

At this stage, BTC has deployed the proof of protection, and pays more attention to scalability. In the future, it may release lightning networks, blockchain smart contracts and other functions. At that time, BTC may focus on building its own environment and stepping into a development path similar to Ethereum. BTC's "currency lending" feature will be reduced, and the color of "currency" in blockchain technology may be improved. Or the use value of virtual currency in the future will depend on whether it can better promote the overall physical and mental health sustainable development concept of green ecology as a currency.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has removed the proof of protection and is more committed to BTC's "currency lending" feature. For Bitcoin Cash (BCH), it not only has a stronger "credit currency" feature than BTC, but also will repair its scalability in its own way. In the future, it is also possible to deploy new functions such as lightning network and blockchain smart contract. BTC (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), two new projects, are pursuing their own path, which is beneficial to all communities. The development of one faction and its technological breakthrough may be applicable to another faction. If Bitcoin Cash (BCH) finds a way to achieve large-scale on chain expansion without harming blockchain technology, then BTC is likely to adopt such proven methods, and vice versa.