How to delete all alarms on iPhone in one step?


Fear of oversleeping at work, or fear of missing a date with friends, we will habitually set an alarm clock on the phone every few minutes. The alarm list is not full of screen, sleep is not peace of mind.

But then comes the problem: it's hard to wait for the holidays to come, you were planning to have a good sleep, but you forgot to delete those alarms over and over again to be wake up. iPhone and can not find and Android phone like "clear all".

So we really can't delete all the alarms on the iPhone in one step? Do we really have to manually delete them one by one? No, in fact iPhone provides a very quick way to delete all the alarms on iPhone in just one step! All you need is Siri, the iPhone's voice assistant, to do it.

Press and hold the Home button and tell Siri: "Delete all alarms!" Siri: "Are you sure you want to delete all the alarms? Reply OK and all the alarms are cleared! Just by doing this, you can instantly experience the thrill of deleting all the alarms on your iPhone in one step? Don't try it out!

In fact, besides deleting all the alarms on iPhone, you can also do a lot of things through Siri. For example, turn on or off the Bluetooth wifi, find a certain information in the memo, or help you calculate a math problem, calculate the exchange rate.

In addition to these functions "developed" by users, Siri is much more than that. Every now and then, you can play with it, and maybe you'll find a surprise in Apple iOS.