What is the difference between power adapter and charger


Power adapters and chargers are both devices that provide electrical power, but there are distinct differences between them. The function of the power adapter is to convert the voltage of the plug to the voltage used by the device, but it can not directly charge the device. The charger is able to convert the voltage to the voltage used by the device and also provide charging for the device.

    The main difference between power adapter and charger

1、Power adapter is a device that can convert a specific voltage to other specific voltages.

2、A charger is a device that converts AC power to DC power and outputs it to a battery, and usually comes with a control circuit that can control the charging process of the battery.

3, power adapter is usually used to convert the voltage, while the charger is usually used to charge the battery.

4, Power adapters usually do not come with a charging circuit, while chargers usually come with a charging circuit.

5、Power adapters can convert AC power to DC power, while chargers cannot.

    The main role of power adapter and charger

Power adapter is a power supply product. The main role is to convert the power supply of other voltage standards to the voltage standards required by specific devices.

Charger is a power product, the main role is to convert the external power supply (such as battery, power adapter, power controller, etc.) into the voltage standard required by a specific device, so as to provide the required energy to charge the battery.

    Working Principle

The working principle of power adapters and chargers is the same, both use the principle of AC power conversion to convert AC power into DC power to meet the power needs of the device.

The main components of power adapters and chargers are transformers, rectifiers, voltage regulators, etc. Transformer is responsible for converting AC power into low voltage, high current DC power;

Rectifier is responsible for converting AC power into positive DC power; voltage regulator is responsible for converting the low voltage and high current DC power output from the transformer into a stable voltage to meet the power demand of the equipment.