
The difference between SLR and digital cameras

SLR digital cameras and we are more in contact with the ordinary consumer digital cameras are two completely different systems, the difference here is mainly reflected in the internal structure of the two.

Do you know what 3D Mapping is?

3D Mapping is the core technology of outdoor architectural projection, which can project onto the surface of objects in any medium and turn the surface of the objects into animation to achieve a perfect integration of objects and animation, thus creating a strong sense of visual impact.

What does bootloader mean?

The bootloader is a small program that runs before the operating system kernel runs

Internet era! How to prevent personal information leakage

With the advent of the information explosion era, as long as an inadvertent action may leak information.

The difference between nfc and Bluetooth

Cell phone NFC and Bluetooth has now been very widely used, the principle is the radio transmission technology, but they have a fundamental difference.


Is AI taking human jobs? Here are 5 ways we might be able to combat it

Is AI taking human jobs? Here are 5 ways we might be able to combat it

In recent months, bad news about AI replacing jobs has been coming almost daily. Last Thursday, BT unveiled its latest plan, announcing that it will replace 10,000 employees with AI technology.
ChatGPT is outdated, Auto-GPT is the future of artificial intelligence

ChatGPT is outdated, Auto-GPT is the future of artificial intelligence

Auto-GPT is an experimental open source application that demonstrates the capabilities of the GPT-4 language model.
AI era, to recommend a few excellent artificial intelligence business tools

AI era, to recommend a few excellent artificial intelligence business tools

AI is providing unprecedented insights and helping to improve the efficiency of many business processes. Whether you are a freelancer working in a single-person business or responsible for multiple employees, there are many tools available to improve your operations.

Benefits of big data analysis and how to analyze big data

Big data analysis is a complex process of analyzing a large amount of data to discover information such as hidden patterns, relevance, market trends and consumer preferences, which helps enterprises make better decisions.

Transforming the construction industry through digital twin modeling

The digital twin is a technology for real-time virtual modeling of objects, from buildings to entire cities, an emerging concept that could transform the built environment and real estate industry in many ways.

Why do 85% of Big Data projects end up in failure?

Companies tend to make their Big Data projects large in size and scope when implementing them, but the truth is that most Big Data projects usually end up in failure.

Your privacy, how does big data know

On the Internet, everyone leaks certain fragments of information more or less, either actively or passively. When this information is mined by big data, there is a risk of privacy leakage and raises information security issues.

What is the maximum value of big data

Human beings and objects are the two major categories of the earth. Human beings are the most advanced animals on the earth. Objects (animals, plants, organisms, microorganisms, man-made objects) cannot be made. Human beings have wisdom and dominate the earth;

How does big data start? From small data to big data

To do big data, first of all, you should understand what is the core of your own enterprise or industry. We often find that many enterprises are defeated not by their current competitors, but by many competitors who are not your competitors. For a simple example, everyone thinks that Amazon is an e-commerce company, but this is wrong. Its main revenue now comes from the cloud (cloud service). That is to say, enterprises need to find their own core data (value).


Major Cloud Computing Service Providers

What is clear is that cloud computing is accelerating faster than predicted, adoption rates are high, and revenue generation is soaring.

Cloud computing has many applications in our daily life, what are the main ones?

You may say that cloud computing is something for professionals and has little to do with us ordinary people. In fact, cloud computing has many applications in our daily life!

Cloud computing, what are the main security challenges

The Cloud Security Alliance, together with HP, has listed the top seven threats to cloud computing, based largely on the results of a survey of 29 enterprises, technology vendors and consulting firms.

On the Importance of Cloud Access Security Agent CASB

As enterprise IT operations are gradually going to the cloud locally, they begin to look for security access control methods to introduce cloud operations from internal data centers. Cloud Access Security Proxy (CASB) is such a tool. This article will take you to study CASB and explain its origin and evolution.