Do I need to know Python to learn Big Data?

Python as a recognized language suitable for big data, want to do big data development and big data analysis, not only to use Java, Python is also very important a core.
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How Big Data is changing the nature of consumer lending

In the digital age, the emergence of disruptive technologies has changed the nature of lending. Thanks to big data, the lending process is now less about the bank and more about the customer.
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Cloud-native Big Data, Lake-Warehouse Integration, AI for Data - Who's in charge in the future?

What we can predict is that the future of big data technology will continue to evolve along the direction of heterogeneous computing, cloudization, AI convergence, and in-memory computing.
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Winning Business Excellence with Data Analytics

What is the significance of digital transformation? This is the answer to the question that every enterprise is looking for, and the most common answer is the reinvention of business processes.
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What is the value of data analysis?

With the advent of the digital age, data has become one of the most valuable assets in businesses and organizations. And data analytics is the key tool to turn this data into real value.
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Where does the data for Big Data come from?

Big data has always been a relatively mysterious industry, in recent years because of big data discriminatory pricing only by more than the average person to understand, so have you ever thought about big data whether it is developed or analyzed, where the data inside are coming from?
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How big data analytics is reshaping the future of smart cities

As the world continues to urbanize and the amount of data generated by cities grows, the importance of big data analytics in shaping the future of urban life will only increase.
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Talking about data lake and data warehouse

Data Lake is a term that has emerged in the past decade to describe an important part of the data analysis pipeline in the big data world.
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The untold story of Deutsche Bank's digital transformation

Data silos and unlinked systems caused employees to waste a lot of time moving information around. In addition, the sheer volume of paper and electronic forms forced employees to manually process documents and verify their contents.
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Big data is transforming education

Big data offers educators unprecedented opportunities to reach and instruct students in new ways. Its also allows for a deeper understanding of students' educational experiences, reduces dropout rates, and helps schools adjust funding and enrollment strategies.
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