Accurate data is more important than more data in the healthcare industry

By 2025, healthcare data is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 36%, far outpacing other sectors such as manufacturing, financial services, the media industry, and entertainment.
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What is big data? What can big data do?

2013 is called the first year of big data, and all walks of life are gradually opening the era of big data applications. Until now, big data is still talked about.
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How to Improve Big Data Performance with Low Latency Analytics?

Low-latency analytics is a technology that enables processing and analyzing big data in real time or near real time. It is critical in big data processing because it allows organizations to extract insights from data faster.
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Has the development of big data come to an end?

The data grid can overcome many challenges inherent in big data by driving higher levels of autonomy and data engineering alliances among a wider range of stakeholders. However, big data is not a panacea, it brings a series of risks for enterprises to manage.
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What is streaming data?

Streaming data includes a variety of data, such as log files generated by customers using your mobile or web applications, online shopping data, in-game player activity, social networking site information, financial trading floors, or geospatial services, as well as telemetry data from connected devices or instruments in your data center.
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10 Misunderstandings of Big Data Application

The British science and technology news media V3 recently listed 10 relevant misconceptions about big data applications.
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Gartner: Data Analytics Helps Build a New Equation of Business Value

This year's Gartner release on the key data and analytics trends for data and analytics leaders to leverage in the enterprise in 2022 breaks down into three main themes: energizing and diversifying the enterprise, empowering people and decision making, and institutionalizing trust.
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3 Ways to Overcome Big Data Obstacles

In order to unlock the potential of advanced visualizations that enable organizations to analyze multiple sources of information and uncover hidden patterns and trends, certain challenges of leveraging big data should be addressed.
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Six big data mistakes that enterprises should avoid

The application of big data is just like the use of credit cards. The better you use it, the greater the income. On the contrary, can enterprises bear the cost of mistakes in big data? This article describes 6 major mistakes and solutions.
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3 Ways to Successfully Manage and Protect Your Data

Security solutions that work well locally or in the cloud can be vulnerable when used in a hybrid data center, and organizations need a new approach to meet the data security needs of hybrid data centers.
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