Cloud computing, what are the main security challenges

The Cloud Security Alliance, together with HP, has listed the top seven threats to cloud computing, based largely on the results of a survey of 29 enterprises, technology vendors and consulting firms.
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On the Importance of Cloud Access Security Agent CASB

As enterprise IT operations are gradually going to the cloud locally, they begin to look for security access control methods to introduce cloud operations from internal data centers. Cloud Access Security Proxy (CASB) is such a tool. This article will take you to study CASB and explain its origin and evolution.
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What are the characteristics of cloud computing?

Cloud computing is characterized by hyperscale, virtualization, on-demand service distribution, high reliability, dynamic scalability, extensive network access, and energy savings.
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What is IaaS/PaaS/SaaS?

Cloud computing offers different service models, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS)
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Three common misconceptions about sustainability and cloud computing

As sustainability becomes a front and center topic for the enterprise, stubborn misconceptions about the power consumption of cloud-based deployments need to be debunked.
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The shift of ERP to cloud computing requires ERP channels to adapt

ERP is a long-term game, as it is the core platform on which customers build their daily business operations. As ERP continues to move to the cloud, it will open up new opportunities for the channel. As long as they work together, vendors and their channel partners can build a new model that works for everyone.
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Serverless: Uncovering the benefits of the emerging cloud computing model

Serverless is a new cloud computing paradigm that allows developers to focus more on application development and deployment without focusing on the underlying infrastructure.
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The importance of financial governance in cloud computing

Nowadays, enterprises are more and more inclined to take data as the driving force, because their data is the driving force for their development engine to create new products, surpass competitors and provide customers with better experience. Therefore, big data management and processing for different partners (such as data analysts, data engineers, and data operating companies) should be fast, automated, and scalable.
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Private SaaS is here: Are you ready?

Over the past 20 years, public cloud architectures have transformed the process and approach to software deployment, bringing tremendous convenience and efficiency to customer access to software. However, there are still government and commercial customers who, for a variety of reasons, have to accept private software environments over which they maintain full control.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cloud?

Large enterprises can no longer get away with just having local systems, moving some of their digital operations to the cloud has become necessary, and if both public and private clouds are used it is a hybrid cloud.
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